Formerly known as Section K, St Brigid's Garden is a special area for the burial of babies.
This section was established in the late 1960's and was beautified in 2004. The re-design ensures that the little monuments are supported to minimise movement. Many graves in this section remain unmarked.
Many years ago a member of the community arranged the installation of a granite plaque to refer to all graves in this section.
The plaque reads:
To Our Dear Children Bless all the dear children in Thy tender care. Love, Mum and Dad.
This plaque was re-installed on the new granite dedication stone, which was generously supplied and installed by stonemasons, T Wrafter & Sons Pty Ltd.
The baby section was dedicated to St Brigid (Patron Saint of newborn babies) on 13 November 2004 in the presence of all those parents who could be located.